Bidding a bye to some crops of wealth-fattened 'failed homosapiens and a welcome to the power-hungry wealth seekers make us irresponsibly responsible. 'Spare the rod and spoil the child' has made us to strike with the rod and kill the child.
Are we the confused or confusion itself? In their adulthood (the leaders), they grew up irresponsible from our negligence of responsibility. Are they the irresponsible or we?
If us, the good Book says 'wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings' 'And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up.' We have eaten the courage of the fearless and drained the philosophers and intellectuals of wisdom and creativity. We have robbed ourselves of growth. Our tools of experiment have made us puppets and became our puppeteers. We have almost blown our eyes and lungs out in keeping the fire of development burning even while using wet logs of firewood.
If them, our icons have chosen for themselves leaders of falsehood, throwing us out of deliberation for our future. They are here with the fainting sounds of promise. Our forebears in position have laid a legacy they have only worsened.
They now think 'a ti k'oje bo oloosa lowo o ku baba eni ti yoo bo' (we have put the beads on the ritualists hands, it now remains the father of who will take it off his hand) even while sitting on the throne of tyranny.
But we say:
Chosen are they
Who even kingmakers war on their choice
Who dole out punishment but lacking in self control
Whose past questions their next hour
The journey of who has set ablaze
The fiery anger of feet stepped upon in answer to past revenge
On whose head the market square shouted for nonchallance
In whose ears ring warnings against collapse and failure