Saturday, 28 February 2015


What is election?
Is it not a united people's choice medium? Hardship on the Mount of Compulsion signals your reign.
We are left baffled to toil and tread on the prickles poured on the selfish route of the incumbents. The honey-coated oration of the propagandists beckon on us to stir up from slumber of yesteryears and grope into the dark unsure future.
Some vote in sentiments, others in spite.
Some seeking to sit on the fence found their buttocks seethe with unfavourable negligence. We think 'are we to start again or continue in penury?
Do we choose the unknown newness or the known continuity?
What are the supernatural beings thinking of us? Is our future not washed down the drain built by the gerontocratic personnels?
What are we? Puppets or puppeteers?
We have unsaid thoughts on if our choice will be selected by the selfish philosophers in government.'
Think and thank your thoughts afterwards if good.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Still on the stage?

Ask yourself this as i am asking myself now.

Theatrically, am i still on the stage of fame?
What role am i playing presently?
Am i changed by surrounding phenomena or non-responsive to them?
Do i still remember my lines well enough if not perfectly?
What stage am i(climax or anti-climax)?
Who is my director, i or another?
How do i respond to my director's instructions? Do i deserve an applause or better still an award for my part?
Will my role be remembered long after i have left the stage, will i be named after that?

Sunday, 15 February 2015

The Book of Life

The only Book not published by man.
Written by only God and kept as the Most High's only Beloved Library.
Heaven's only righteous Library.
It is not a scroll of papyrus, not written with a pen or printed by a machine.
The contents can be deleted at will with no traces. The Book of Love (God) written with no sentiment or partiality.
The Greatest Book after the Bible is gone.
The Finished Product of the Bible.
The Register of the Righteous and Saints marked only once, in which there is no one absent- all present.
The Container of Citizens of New Heaven and New Earth.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

We walk long

We walk long
For we want more
Till the road not taken we reached
But which they have flown over
We tred in pain over the leaves
Whose dried bones crush under our feet
seeking the broken bricks of yesterday's mistakes
On which we can hop
And arrive Tomorrow's town of succour.